
Page is a general term for ‘step’, ‘hotspot’ and ‘question’.


You can set restrictions to the course pages. Restrictions work differently in Linear flow and Hotspot map.

You can apply the restrictions on a specific page by clicking “Set restriction” in the top bar of the lesson page.

You can set two restriction types:
Timed restriction - The page will not be mark as complete until a certain time period elapses.
Audio restriction - The page will not be mark as complete until audio completes.

To use audio restriction, you must add audio file to the page first. You can do that by clicking “Add audio” in the top bar of lesson page.

Restricting navigation in Hotspot map
If you select “Restrict navigation” in Hotspot map, the page (hotspot) will not be completed unless the timed or audio restriction passes. The learners may open other hotspots freely even if previous hotspots are not marked as completed.

Restricting navigation in Linear flow
If you select “Restrict navigation” in Linear flow, the page will not be completed unless the timed or audio restriction passes. If the restrictions you set on a page in Linear flow are not met, learners will not be able to proceed to the next page. It is because the NEXT button is only enabled when the restrictions are met.

When restricting navigation in Linear flow, you can enable automatic progression. If you select “Enable automatic progression”, the learners will automatically, without clicking the NEXT button, proceed to the next page when the timed or audio restriction passes.

Once you set a restriction you can edit it, by clicking “Edit restriction” in the top bar of lesson page.

Widget completion
You can require completion of any interactive widget.
Checking “Require completion” in the interactive widget settings requires learners to answer the question correctly before proceeding to the next page.

Reference numbers

Reference numbers are unique identifiers that are automatically added to each page. Reference numbers make it easier to track, organize, and reference your course pages for future use.

This means that each page has a unique reference number that can be found in the dropdown when clicking the three dots at the top right corner of the page. You can quickly copy it by clicking the reference number.

Reference numbers are often used for complex courses where script might have been developed in another software. Copying and pasting reference numbers to the script allows developers quickly identify specific pages in the Panomio. This comes in handy especially during course revisions or updates.

💡 Tip: Type a reference number to the search bar at the top of Panomio course builder to find specific page instantly.

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