Sharing link

A shareable link is a unique URL that can be used to give access to your course for previewing purposes. With a shareable link, users can preview the contents of the course, but their progress will not be tracked nor saved. This feature is perfect for internal reviews and getting feedback from stakeholders.

Sharing links must be activated before they can be viewed. All your course data is private to you unless you activate the link. You can disable the link at any time.

Follow these steps to get a shareable link to your course:

  1. Sign in to your Panomio account.
  2. Find the course that you want to share. Hover over the course on your dashboard and click the three dots in the upper-right corner of the course card.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select "Settings.”
  4. In the course settings page, navigate to the "Share link" section.
  5. Click the "Activate link.”
  6. A unique URL will be generated for your course. You can copy the URL by clicking the "Copy" button.
It is important to remember that a shareable link does NOT give users access to edit the course or save their progress. If you want to give someone access to edit your course, you must invite them as collaborators.
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